Job # 2254 - Jaguar 420 (4.2)
Full engine rebuild
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Update report - March 9, 2019
Putting the finishing touches to another total engine rebuild in the Team CJ machine shop. This one was not without its challenges, but the finished result is now better than new.

Machining block to receive custom top hat liners
Squaring main caps prior to performing align hone

Align hone in progress

Resizing the connecting rods
Honing new CJ valve guides

Head studs misaligned due to previous
very poor thread repairs
A new insert will be installed in the deck of the block

Head studs now perfectly aligned
Torque plate cylinder hone in progress

Ready for reassembly

Surfacing the cylinder head after straightening
and align honing cam caps

Head now fully assembled
Installing the repaired oil pan

Almost ready to test run on the stand

We have now torn down your engine and performed our initial inspection.

Engine as received

Lifting the cylinder head off use the crane

Large patch of epoxy inside the chain cover
portion of the cylinder head

Worn cam bearings suggest the cams may have
been binding
Inappropriately large stud installed at the
front of the ehad

Stripped threads in cam oil feed galley
Timing chain was not surfaced with the block

Asking a lot for a cylinder head gasket to seal where
timing chain cover meets the block
This damaged main bearing has lost its register

Freeze plugs have been epoxyed
Several main bearings were badly damaged

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