Job # 2167 (JW)
Stage Two 7.0L Jaguar V12 engine rebuild
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 Update report - July 1, 2016
Putting the finishing touches to this 7 liter build...

Final assembly underway...   

Setting con rod side clearances

Assembling the short block

I am pleased to report that we now have this special engine build well underway.

Using the CJ pulling plate to remove the LH head

Significant main bearing damage
Bearing material transferred to crankshaft journals

Preparing to install a new oil drain plug

Oil pump has been damaged by debris

Disassembling the cylinder head
Pressure testing one of the heads

Milling cam tower pads flat

Machining counterbores for custom CJ valve seat

Note rough texture of venturis prior to porting

Go to other CJ engine rebuilds