Job # 2122 (BE) - Jaguar Mk IX
Stock cylinder head rebuild
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 Update report - February 28, 2015

I am pleased to report that we now have this cylinder head rebuild wrapped up and we will be shipping it back to England in the next few days.

Surfacing exhaust and intake flanges for
optimum gasket sealing
Surfacing deck

Front of head before sanding and polishing
After polishing

Installing tappet hold down kit
On the assembly bench

Assembly grease on cam lobes

Head now literally better than new

Cylinder head now torn down, addressing leaks around old spark plug insert..

Valve train was very rusty
Tappets also rusty and will be replaced

Incorrect depth on spark plug repairs
Measuring cam saddle warpage

Ugly spark plug repair
Cam journals require polishing

Head after blasting

Pressure testing head
Submerged head under pressure reveals
leak at spark plug repair

Preparing to machine out spark plug insert
To be continued..

I am pleased to report that your cylinder head made the journey across the Atlantic safely and we now have the rebuild underway for you.


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