# 1981 (GH) - Generation II Dodge Viper
Full Stage One NA engine rebuild |
Update report - May 18, 2011
I am pleased to report that we now have this rebuild virtually completed. All that remains is to install the new pushrods, rocker arms and valve covers and the engine will be ready for collection. We will have it wrapped up for you before the end of the week.
I am pleased to report some nice gains on the flow bench following our port work. At .600" lift, we saw an increase of 51 cfm with a high of 292 cfm, which is a very healthy number for a Generation II Viper.
Port work in process....
We have now completed the block machine work and have the cylinder head port work underway. The crankshaft has been sent off for Nitriding.
Titanium valves offer a tremendous weight saving over stock, allowing for much higher rpm capability using hydraulic lifters.
We have now received most of the parts required for this build and should have the machine work underway in the next couple of days.
I am pleased to report that we now have this rebuild underway.