Job # 1952 (TS) - V12 Jaguar E Type
Full engine rebuild
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Update report - January 16, 2011

Another CJ engine rebuild completed and shipped!




We have now finished rebuilding your cylinder heads and have the short block assembly underway. We hope to be shipping your engine back to you early next week.








More progress in the machine shop....

Heating cyl heads prior to guide installation
Forged CJ pistons

Torque plate cylinder hone in progress...

Stud and thread repairs completed
Honing cylinders with CJ torque plate


We now have this engine completely disassembled and the machine work underway.

Engine will receive new set of forged CJ pistons



Heads did not want to part company with the block
 Damaged deck surface



Definitely the right decision to rebuild this engine
Cutting out broken studs on the mill






Setting up to perform an align hone
Pressure testing cylinder heads


We now have this rebuild underway. Our first challenge will be to remove the cylinder heads, which are seized solid to the block.



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