Job # 1935 (AR) - Dodge Viper
Full stage one engine rebuild
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CNC machined billet main caps for Dodge Viper

This normally aspirated Viper engine suffered catastrophic failure necessitating the replacement of the block, crank, pistons and rods. The replacement crank will be stroked and nitrided, billet main caps will be installed and the block will be align bored and honed.

Update report - August 5, 2010

This build has now been completed.

Heads now fully assembled
Machining keywat in crank for ATI balancer
Installing crank and billet main caps
Oliver rods and JE pistons used in this build
Short block now assembled


We should have this build wrapped up for you in the next couple of days.

Measuring stem size of new valves
Honing new guides to size
Heads have been surfaced and are ready for assembly
First head on the assembly bench


The new JE pistons arrived last week so we have now honed the cylinders to size and will be assembling the short block shortly.




Honing cylinders with torque plate
Pressure testing cylinder heads


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