Job # 1923 (DZ) - Jaguar 4.2 S1 E Type
Stage One engine and IRS rebuild
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Update report - June 27, 2010

Putting the finishing touches to the short block...



The flow charts below show a spectacular gain of 62 cfm after port work...



Lots of progress in the CJ machine shop...

Setting up torque plate for
cylinder hone
Honing cylinders to size
Surfacing block after cylinder
hone completed
Heating head for valve seat 
Custom CJ seats installed
Venturis will be matched to
ID of oversized intake seats
Porting in progress
Porting will provide huge gains
in flow numbers

Base line flow results prior to porting...


Cylinder head after cleaning
Pressure testing - passed with 
flying colors
Water jackets and combustion chambers
in great  shape - zero corrosion
 Flow testing head before porting


Lots of progress on both engine and IRS rebuilds..

Valve covers cracked in a number
of places
Timing chain cover is damaged and
will be replaced
Nasty gunge in oil pan!
Repairing stripped drain plug
Some IRS parts to be Nickel
New rear splined hubs required
Cage will be powder coated
Engine block after chemical bath


I am pleased to report that we now have your engine and IRS rebuilds underway.

Unloading your engine in the 
CJ machine shop
IRS assembly, as delivered


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