Job # 1813 (SCA)
4.2 E Type cylinder head rebuild
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Customer Feedback - March 25, 2008

I have now received my cylinder head and I can only think of one word to describe your workmanship - JEWELRY! You have exceeded my expectations. I am sure that Sir Williams is smiling down upon all at Classic Jaguar. Well done!
SCA, Canada

Report date - March 13, 2008

I am pleased to report that this rebuild has now been completed and will ship out to you on Friday (3/14).
The domes measure 95 cc


We have the rebuild of this cylinder head well underway. This to be a stock rebuild other than large (1.875") intake valves, installation of a tappet hold down kit on the exhaust side, retro fitted intake valve seals and stainless steel valves.

 Cutting out the old seats
Installing new custom CJ seats 
 Stainless steel valves will be used
in this rebuild
Five angled valve job in progress 
Re-surfacing the head

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